Monday, October 18, 2010

Market Insight 18 October 2010

Market Insight

Religare Broking

18 October, 2010

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Technical Analysis

Sensex Intraday Support levels:
Support 20090-19864 Resistance 20383-20563
Nifty Intraday Support levels:
Support 6047-5972 Resistance 6139-6194
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Futures n Options

Nifty Futures Outlook - Nifty futures closed with 30 points premium. Short positions build up seen in Nifty futures. Significant increase seen in OI of Nifty 6100, 6200 and 6300 Oct calls. Volatility (India Vix) closed at 22.65 with a increase of 9.95%. All sectors closed in red. Infosys and Wipro led to the technology sector down move. Transport, Infra, Finance and Cement sectors have shown a dip of nearly 2%.

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